Setting Up The Gui

The gui is a PHP application, by default it’s installed to /var/clapf/www, and you must map a virtualhost to the documentroot of the GUI, eg.

The first step is to create config-site.php, which stores local site specific settings. An example config-site.php:


$config['DIR_BASE'] = '/var/clapf/www/';

$config['BRANDING_URL'] = '';
$config['SITE_NAME'] = '';
$config['SITE_URL'] = '';

$config['SMTP_DOMAIN'] = '';
$config['SMTP_FROMADDR'] = '';
$config['HAM_TRAIN_ADDRESS'] = '';
$config['SPAM_TRAIN_ADDRESS'] = '';

In case of apache 2.x, make sure rewriting rules are allowed, see .htaccess. For nginx you may find an example config in contrib/webserver/clapf-nginx.conf

The default account is the built-in administrator:


Finally visit, and make sure to change the admin@local password, then create or import users. Start with adding the valid domain names.